Result Oriented SEO Services in Dubai, UAE

Could it be said that you are searching for the best SEO organization in Dubai that can assist you with accomplishing top SEO positioning? Do you plan to make reasonable progress utilizing reasonable SEO bundles? Then, at that point, Siegel Consultants is the ideal decision for you. Website design enhancement or Search Engine Optimization has turned into an essential promoting method for current organizations. It assists in expanding the site with dealing, producing more leads and higher change rates. Sounds intriguing? Well! Each little and huge organizations today have begun embracing SEO as a piece of their computerized showcasing procedure however just few have had the option to partake in the genuine advantages of this promoting strategy.

Keyword Research

Study the web crawler scene to figure out what your interest group is looking and what watchwords will serve to your image rank higher.

Competitor Analysis Optimization

Examination of contender execution and positioning to guide your showcasing techniques to acquire an edge.

Site Audit and Optimization

An intensive check of your site to increment viability for quality lead age and change.

Natural Website Traffic Generation

Utilization of different promoting ways to deal with drive a tremendous expansion in site traffic and income.

External link establishment

Give techniques to get different sites to connection to pages on your site to assist them with positioning higher in Google list items.

Specialized SEO

Improve your site as per web crawler rules to guarantee it is without blunder.

Web index Penalty Recovery

Help recuperate from any Google punishments of the site.

Google Analytics Set Up Installation and Analysis

Arrangement and track web investigation with pointers to break down experiences and crowd conduct.

SEO Packages

Our SEO bundles don't just build your rankings and traffic yet in addition further develop your area authority, brand perceivability and change. We offer entirely reasonable SEO bundles for all size organizations. Our famous SEO bundles are recorded beneath:


$205/ AED 750 Per Month

  • 10 Keywords
  • 10 Directory Submissions
  • 30 Bookmarking Submissions
  • 5 Article Submissions
  • (1 Article Creation)
  • 3 forum profile creation
  • 10 Profile Creation
  • 1 Blog
  • 5 PPT Submissions
  • 10+ Classified Submissions
  • 5 Doc Submissions
  • 1 Q & A Submission

On page Optimization

  • Google Analytics Installation
  • Google Webmaster Installation
  • Title Tag Optimization
  • Meta Description Optimization
  • Keyword Optimization
  • Body Text Optimization
  • Alt Tag Optimization
  • Sitemap Implementation
  • Robot.txt Implementation
  • Canonicalization
  • Website Page Load Optimization
  • HTML Code Cleanup & Optimization
  • Internal link structuring & optimization
  • Monthly Report


$399 / AED 1500 Per Month

  • 25 Keywords
  • 20 Directory Submissions
  • 60 Bookmarking Submissions
  • 10 Article Submissions
  • (3 Article Creation)
  • 5 forum profile creation
  • 10 Profile Creation
  • 2+ Blog
  • 10+ PPT Submissions
  • 10+ Classified Submissions
  • 10+ Doc Submissions
  • 3 Q & A Submission

On page Optimization

  • Google Analytics Installation
  • Google Webmaster Installation
  • Title Tag Optimization
  • Meta Description Optimization
  • Keyword Optimization
  • Body Text Optimization
  • Alt Tag Optimization
  • Sitemap creation
  • Robot.txt creation
  • Canonicalization
  • Website Page Load Optimization
  • HTML Code Cleanup & Optimization
  • Internal link structuring & optimization
  • Monthly Report



$540 / AED 2000 Per Month

  • 35 Keywords
  • 30+ Directory Submissions
  • 80+ BookmarkingSubmissions
  • 15+ Article Submissions
  • ( 3-4 Article Creation)
  • 2 Press Release
  • ( 1-2 Creation)
  • 2 Guest Post
  • 15 forum profile creation
  • 4 Blogs
  • 15+ PPT Submission/Month
  • 20+ Classified Submissions
  • 20+ Profile Creation
  • 15+ Doc Submission on Sites
  • 5 Q & A Submissions​

On page Optimization

  • Google Analytics Installation
  • Google Webmaster Installation
  • Title Tag Optimization
  • Meta Description Optimization
  • Keyword Optimization
  • Body Text Optimization
  • Alt Tag Optimization
  • Sitemap Implementation
  • Robot.txt Implementation
  • Canonicalization
  • Website Page Load Optimization
  • HTML Code Cleanup & Optimization
  • Internal link structuring & optimization
  • Monthly Report


$205/ AED 750 Per Month

  • 10 Keywords
  • 10 Directory Submissions
  • 30 Bookmarking Submissions
  • 5 Article Submissions
  • (1 Article Creation)
  • 3 forum profile creation
  • 10 Profile Creation
  • 1 Blog
  • 5 PPT Submissions
  • 10+ Classified Submissions
  • 5 Doc Submissions
  • 1 Q & A Submission

On page Optimization

  • Google Analytics Installation
  • Google Webmaster Installation
  • Title Tag Optimization
  • Meta Description Optimization
  • Keyword Optimization
  • Body Text Optimization
  • Alt Tag Optimization
  • Sitemap Implementation
  • Robot.txt Implementation
  • Canonicalization
  • Website Page Load Optimization
  • HTML Code Cleanup & Optimization
  • Internal link structuring & optimization
  • Monthly Report


$399 / AED 1500 Per Month

  • 25 Keywords
  • 20 Directory Submissions
  • 60 Bookmarking Submissions
  • 10 Article Submissions
  • (3 Article Creation)
  • 5 forum profile creation
  • 10 Profile Creation
  • 2+ Blog
  • 10+ PPT Submissions
  • 10+ Classified Submissions
  • 10+ Doc Submissions
  • 3 Q & A Submission

On page Optimization

  • Google Analytics Installation
  • Google Webmaster Installation
  • Title Tag Optimization
  • Meta Description Optimization
  • Keyword Optimization
  • Body Text Optimization
  • Alt Tag Optimization
  • Sitemap creation
  • Robot.txt creation
  • Canonicalization
  • Website Page Load Optimization
  • HTML Code Cleanup & Optimization
  • Internal link structuring & optimization
  • Monthly Report



$540 / AED 2000 Per Month

  • 35 Keywords
  • 30+ Directory Submissions
  • 80+ BookmarkingSubmissions
  • 15+ Article Submissions
  • ( 3-4 Article Creation)
  • 2 Press Release
  • ( 1-2 Creation)
  • 2 Guest Post
  • 15 forum profile creation
  • 4 Blogs
  • 15+ PPT Submission/Month
  • 20+ Classified Submissions
  • 20+ Profile Creation
  • 15+ Doc Submission on Sites
  • 5 Q & A Submissions​

On page Optimization

  • Google Analytics Installation
  • Google Webmaster Installation
  • Title Tag Optimization
  • Meta Description Optimization
  • Keyword Optimization
  • Body Text Optimization
  • Alt Tag Optimization
  • Sitemap Implementation
  • Robot.txt Implementation
  • Canonicalization
  • Website Page Load Optimization
  • HTML Code Cleanup & Optimization
  • Internal link structuring & optimization
  • Monthly Report

Advantages of SEO for Your Business


  • Upgrade Your User Experience: By understanding what your forthcoming clients are looking, you can work on the substance of your site. You can incorporate data content, recordings, and pictures to augment the client experience on your site.

  • Increment Your Traffic and Generate More Leads: SEO is viewed as the essential and best method for producing inbound traffic. The more advanced your site is, the more natural traffic it will drive. This aides in expanding your image mindfulness, consequently acquiring the watchers down the deals channel and producing leads.

  • Increment Your Brand Visibility and Brand Credibility: Proper SEO administrations empower you to rank in the absolute first pages of the Search Engines. This builds the perceivability of your image. At the point when you are highlighted among the main consequences of the web index, it is very normal for clients to consider your site as certifiable and dependable. In this sense, SEO helps in expanding your image validity and acquiring the trust of the planned crowd.

  • Draw in Your Local Users: The neighbourhood look led by clients are centredon geo-explicit areas and the postings of nearby organizations. Thusly, assuming your site shows up among the top query items, almost certainly, the nearby customers visit your store or shop after their internet based research.

  • Foster a Long-Term Strategy with Low Costs: A SEO master can assist you with getting ROI driven results in the span of a half year or one year of the streamlining of your site. Besides, you can stand firm on your foothold for a long range of time in the event that you continue to work on your substance with important catchphrases. Another advantage that you get is low expenses. Indeed! You don’t have to pay for your promotions. Rather, you can think about focusing intently on the best SEO organization and come by long haul results.

What We do In Our SEO Services?

  • search engine optimization system
  1. 1.Website design investigation: We keep in mind the significance of the construction of a site. In this way, we examine the design of your site to find on the off chance that it is sensible and clear.
  2. Site content examination: Our SEO specialists glance through the substance of your site, the posts, recordings, and greeting pages. This assists them with recognizing the qualities as well as feeble region of your site content that should be gotten to the next level.
  3. Catchphrase research: This is one of the significant stages in our SEO administrations. Prior to creating content for your site, we embrace an exhaustive examination to recognize the most pertinent catchphrases utilized by the crowd while looking for the items or administrations you offer.
  4. Streamline the site according to watchwords: Our substance designers consolidate the right catchphrases in the substance, subsequently advancing your site.
  5. Resolve site on page issue: We recognize as well as resolve your site on-page issues, if any. For example, assuming your site neglects to load or shows blunder message, our SEO specialists sort out the explanation for this issue and resolve it.
  6. Make a viable third party referencing effort: Using the right strategies and apparatuses, we help you in expanding connects to your site. The third party referencing efforts are made by laying out legitimate objectives, checking on your resources, and distinguishing your objectives.
  7. Following the outcome: We utilize the right KPIs to follow your position and measure the degree to which your site is noticeable. All in all, we measure on the off chance that you are getting ROI-driven results.

For what reason to Choose Our SEO Services?

  • Why pick website optimization administrations

  • Qualified SEO specialists: Our expert group of SEO specialists have the important abilities too as capabilities and can make real satisfied.

  • Best Quality SEO administrations: We don’t think twice about quality and consistently guarantee to give content that can help our clients in getting ROI-driven results.

  • Reasonable SEO bundles: Our SEO bundles are incredibly reasonable. There are no secret costs in our bundles.

  • Custom-made SEO administrations: We comprehend that each business has various objectives or targets and hence, we offer custom-made or redid SEO administrations for each business. This empowers the organizations to address their objectives utilizing an interesting showcasing methodology.

  • Straightforwardness in SEO reports: We guarantee that you remain refreshed about our arrangements as well as our SEO reports. We share the SEO reports intermittently to keep you informed about the exercises embraced and the outcomes accomplished.

  • Accordingly, on the off chance that you can’t sort out why your site is neglecting to acquire traffic, you ought to reach out to our SEO specialists at Seigell Consultants. We guarantee to help our clients in acquiring highest levels in the web search tool results page and that is the reason, we are viewed as the best SEO organization in Dubai.